Inflation, energy shortages and the decline of the euro against the dollar are already having a massive impact on our prosperity. Due to the massive rate of price increases, larger households are already losing a quarter of their purchasing power. Companies are closing down or relocating their production abroad. The cause of this is the current energy policy of the traffic light government, which quite obviously has no plan to effectively counteract it. The destruction of our prosperity has already begun.
People lose 20 per cent of their purchasing power due to price increases
People in Germany are losing 20 percent of their livelihoods in a very short time. We are experiencing a loss of prosperity in Germany the like of which has never been seen since the Federal Republic came into existence. The impact on private households and businesses is already devastating, but this is just the beginning. With the current energy policy, the situation will get far worse. The state’s attempt to counteract the price increases with state support will not work in the long run.

Average family has annual additional costs of 8000 euros
Already today, an average family has to pay almost 5,000 euros more per year if they heat their home with natural gas (Cicero: 04.07.22). On top of that, there are additional costs of 300 euros a year for electricity. However, these costs are likely to rise much further in the coming months. In addition, commuters who depend on a car also pay 25 per cent more for fuel. For food alone, a family has to pay at least 1500 euros more per year. In the next few months, social security contributions will also be increased, which will cost the family household another 1000 euros a year. If you add all this up, the average family will have to pay at least 8,800 euros more per year.
With a median income of 45,000 euros net, that is more than 20 percent that is no longer available for clothing, rent or paying off loans. It is foreseeable that many people will no longer be able to pay for electricity and gas. In addition, many are threatened with the loss of their flat or house because they can no longer service their loans. And this in the fourth largest industrial nation in the world.
Situation deliberately brought about by politics
Politicians present the situation as unavoidable. But it is not; on the contrary, current energy policy has virtually brought it about. The nuclear and coal phase-out, the phase-out of the combustion engine, sanctions against Russia, all of these have been consciously decided by politicians. In addition, with misleading communication, it has also destroyed confidence in the markets: every single one of these steps has created an artificial shortage. This created panic in the markets and drove prices up. Not a single one of these steps arose out of an existing need. Every single step could be taken back again to relieve the citizens.
No protest from opposition and media
But the voices on this are missing, both from the opposition and from the media. Never since the Federal Republic came into existence has there been such a dramatic emergency, which inevitably leads to the destruction of our prosperity. Our politicians should actually be dealing with this problem day and night. Instead, they talk about the Ukraine war, the boycott of Russia and the coming Corona wave in autumn. Yet the Basic Law requires politicians to prevent harm to their own people.
Read also:
- Traffic lights herald the end of our prosperity
- Freezing for freedom – how naive politicians put our prosperity at risk
- No prosperity without energy
- The Gas War