The expansion of green energy plants lags far behind global growth. The share of renewable energy has been stagnating for more than 10 years. At the same time, the gap between aspiration and reality is widening. The global energy transition remains an ideological illusion.
Expansion of green power plants cannot keep pace with global economic growth
The reason is that global energy demand is growing far faster than the expansion of wind and solar farms. Despite strong expansion, renewables cannot keep up with the worldwide increase in energy demand. Worldwide, the additional demand is mainly met by fossil energy sources. The global share of renewable energies is still at the level of 2009. The international network REN21 states (press release Ren21): “A global energy transition is not taking place. Despite the important green stimulus measures taken in many places, the strong economic upturn with a global real GDP growth of 5.9 per cent contributed to a four per cent increase in final energy consumption, thus cancelling out the effect of renewable energy growth”.

According to the network’s research, the global share of renewable energy in 2019 was 11.7 per cent, only marginally higher than the 2009 figure of 10.6 per cent. In 2021, the share did rise to 12.6 per cent, but this was mainly due to lower energy demand as a result of the Corona measures. After the pandemic, the share from fossil fuels rose sharply.
Share of renewable energies stagnates worldwide for more than 10 years
A closer look at the data reveals that 12.6 per cent of the renewable energy share is predominantly due to the burning of biomass. Another 3.9 per cent comes from hydropower plants. According to the REN21 report, wind power and solar plants account for just 2.8 per cent worldwide.
Wind and solar energy do not yet cover even 5 per cent of primary energy consumption
Germany continues to focus on the expansion of wind and solar parks. According to his Easter package, Habeck wants to expand wind power to 80 percent of energy demand by 2030. Yet last year wind power covered only 3.4 percent of Germany’s primary energy needs. Solar power came to just 1.4 per cent. Even if the lobby never tires of announcing new record figures for green power generation, one must not forget that electricity only covers one fifth of the energy demand. With the increasing conversion of heating systems from fossil fuels to electricity-powered heat pumps and vehicles with combustion engines to electric motors, the demand for electricity will increase dramatically. The planned expansion of renewable energies cannot come close to meeting this demand.
The report of the REN21 network shows the statistical conditions for the global energy transition, without ideological framing, relentlessly and close to reality.
Read also:
- Habeck’s plan for the energy turnaround collapses after only a few months
- Energy turnaround into a dead end
- Energy transition into a dead end – solar installations
- Energy crisis – consequence of the energy transition
- Energy transition will burst like a soap bubble