Slowly, our politicians are realising the extensions of their own policies. After Economics Minister Habeck called on citizens to save energy, now Interior Minister Faeser is appealing to citizens to stock up on emergency supplies. She justifies this by threatening power cuts and supply shortages due to the war in Ukraine.
Faeser refers to cyber attacks on our electricity supply
In an interview with Handelsblatt, Faeser refers to the threat of power cuts, saying: “Think, for example, of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure”. However, she avoids mentioning that the power could fail due to the current energy policy. Just a few months ago, for example, the government’s strategy was to replace both the nuclear power plants that had been shut down and the coal-fired power plants with modern gas-fired power plants. This strategy burst like a soap bubble with the war in Ukraine. Russian natural gas is currently almost impossible to replace. Running gas-fired power plants, which require an extremely large amount of gas, on liquefied petroleum gas would be downright irresponsible in the current supply situation.
Is it more a threat of war that is the reason?
The minister also wants to give civil protection a higher priority. “We have to get up to speed here in order to cope with the many crises – pandemics, the consequences of climate change, the dangers of war,” says Faeser. Faeser therefore also wants to have the state examine how it can stockpile food, medicines or medical supplies. To this end, Faeser wants to reactivate former shelters that are now used for other purposes, since the 599 shelters currently available are not sufficient in an emergency.

Image: Olaf Kosinsky, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons
Is our government afraid of war? The demand by the Minister of the Interior to expand shelters and stockpile emergency supplies certainly suggests that this is the case. The deliveries of heavy weapons to Ukraine could well lead to this.
Faeser’s call will lead to further shortages through hoarding purchases
Food has been in short supply in our supermarkets for weeks. Many markets have been out of sunflower oil and flour for weeks. Calling on the population to stock up now will lead to even more hoarding and ultimately empty shelves in the supermarkets. Why does Faeser do it anyway? Either she is not aware of the consequences of her appeal in this regard or the situation is already much more serious than many believe.