Energy transition into a dead end – nuclear energy
The discussion about extending the lifetimes of the last remaining German nuclear power plants is just picking up speed again in view of the current energy crisis. While the CDU and FDP want to at least discuss an extension, the Greens and SPD immediately reject the further use of nuclear energy. A look at the…
Why less gas is coming via Nord Stream 1
For several days now, only 40 percent of the usual gas supply has been coming through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. The supply situation is now so threatening that Minister of Economics Habeck has declared the alarm level of the gas emergency plan. Habeck also immediately names the reasons for the reduced deliveries. For example,…
Traffic lights stick to ban on fracking
In 2017, the Bundestag and Bundesrat passed what is probably the world’s strictest law on fracking for natural gas. It regulates the complete ban on commercial fracking, with the aim of protecting the environment and health from the risks of this technology. Germany is sitting on about 2.3 trillion cubic metres of natural gas in…
China buys large quantities of uranium on the world market
The situation on the global energy markets is becoming increasingly difficult due to Russia’s boycott. Many countries are therefore building new nuclear power plants in order to reduce CO₂ emissions and to secure the electricity supply. This means that the demand for uranium to produce the fuel elements will rise sharply in the future. Uranium…
Why saving Schwedt is not just about oil
The rescue of the PCK refinery in Schwedt, Brandenburg, which has been hotly debated in recent days, is becoming a federal political issue. Since the German government and the European Union want to do without Russian oil in the future, the refinery is facing extinction. Up to 2,000 employees would be affected. The rescue is…
Habeck declares gas emergency plan alert level
Robert Habeck has declared the second stage of the emergency decree on gas supply with the alert stage. As a result, gas prices are likely to rise even further for consumers. Apparently, the 55 members of the board of the Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industries have already been informed of this step.…
Lindner wants to abolish premium for electric cars
Christian Lindner has spoken out in favour of scrapping the will-to-buy subsidies for electric cars. He told the Welt am Sonntag: “We simply can’t afford misguided subsidies any more. If I have my way, the premium for electric cars and plug-in hybrids, for example, will be cancelled. Up to now, these cars have been subsidised…
Energy transition to a dead end – gas and LNG
The biggest problem with renewable energies is their volatility. Wind is only available for 25 % of the year’s full load hours, and solar only for about 10 % of the year. For this reason, the coalition agreement logically envisaged a massive expansion of gas-fired power plants. However, the approximately 60 new gas-fired power plants…
Spain is ahead of Germany in dealing with the gas crisis
While the war between Ukraine and Russia is still in full swing, numerous countries want to become independent of Russian raw materials. Nevertheless, they want to ease the population’s worries about cold winters and increased expenses. In Germany, the federal government is working diligently on solutions, while other countries are already a few steps ahead…
Traffic light government heralds end of our prosperity
The traffic light coalition has only been in government for a few months and there is now a shortage of everything. Raw materials, microchips, sunflower oil, flour and labour are becoming scarce. Prices for food, energy and everything else needed to live are rising day by day to new record levels. Inflation is at 8…
In Australia, the price of electricity is exploding
It almost sounds like a paradox. Australia is the world’s fifth largest gas exporter and second largest coal exporter. Despite this, the country is currently experiencing massive problems in securing its own electricity supply. It is winter in Australia and temperatures on the south-east coast have fallen to their lowest level in decades. But in…
Now even less LNG is coming to Europe
The problems with the gas supply are mounting. Due to the 60 percent cut in Russian gas supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, the supply for next winter is already critical. Now, however, even less LNG is coming from the USA, as an LNG terminal there has burnt down. LNG terminal on the Gulf…
Energy: Aid from the federal government should relieve the federal states in the east
In the course of the movement currently taking place away from dependence on Russian crude oil to alternatives for the purpose of energy supply, the East German federal states are demanding efficient aid from the federal government. This was demanded by the Minister Presidents after a meeting on the island of Riems near Greifswald. During…
We commit economic suicide
In the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, the new head of the German Federation of Trade Unions, Yasmin Fahimi, warns against dismantling industry in order to achieve climate goals. According to Fahimi, the green transformation of the economy must first and foremost create employment and not dismantle it as is now threatened. Fahimi speaks of economic suicide…
Habeck wants to enforce energy saving by law
With the curtailment of Russian gas supplies, the supply situation in the coming winter is becoming increasingly critical. Politicians’ calls to save energy are becoming more and more urgent. Now Economics Minister Robert Habeck even wants to force citizens and companies to save energy by law in an emergency. Habeck calls on citizens to save…