Russia has stopped gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. This is in response to the fact that both countries refuse to pay for gas supplies in rubles, as Russia has demanded. In this way, Russia is sending a signal to the other European countries that it is serious and will implement its announcements. Germany also does not want to pay for gas supplies in rubles. Chancellor Scholz has repeatedly pointed out that payment in euros or dollars was agreed in the contracts concluded.
Russia stops gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria
Russia stopped gas deliveries shortly after 4 a.m. on Wednesday morning. Since then, no more gas has come through the Yamal pipeline. Both countries were warned accordingly by the Russian company Gazprom shortly beforehand.

Russian ultimatum to pay in rubles expired
On Friday, the Russian ultimatum to pay for natural gas supplies in rubles expired. However, both Poland and Bulgaria do not want to pay in rubles. Like all other European states, they have pointed out that the contracts provide exclusively for payment of deliveries in euros or dollars.
Poland can do without Russian gas
Poland obtains about nine billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia every year. However, Poland is perfectly capable of managing without Russian natural gas. Its gas storage facilities are well stocked and a pipeline to Norway, which is currently under construction, is nearing completion. In addition, Poland already has an intact liquefied natural gas terminal. According to Anna Moskwa, Poland’s Minister of the Environment, Poland is well prepared for this situation because Poland has been working for years to become independent of Russian natural gas.
Bulgaria depends on Russian gas
Bulgaria is being hit harder by the cessation of gas supplies. The country covers more than 90 percent of its gas needs through imports from Russia. Nevertheless, the government assures its citizens that there will be no restrictions on gas supplies for the time being.
Poland and Bulgaria support Ukraine
Both countries condemn the war in Ukraine. Poland was also one of the first countries to support Ukraine with arms deliveries, including tanks. In addition, Poland is an important transit country for arms deliveries from other countries to Ukraine. Bulgaria primarily provides humanitarian aid in Ukraine, but is reluctant to supply military goods.
Gas price rises sharply after announcement of supply freeze
Gas price rises sharply after announcement of supply stop
Putin tries to divide Europe by stopping gas supplies
Putin has set an example aimed at dividing the European states. If he succeeds in getting states that urgently need his gas to actually pay in roubles, he will have succeeded. For the time being, he can well do without the revenues from Poland and Bulgaria. Compared to countries like Germany and other European industrial nations, they account for only a small fraction.
German government in a quandary
The German government is now in a massive fix. A Russian supply stop for natural gas would inevitably have fatal economic consequences. The government is now faced with the choice of either paying in roubles and thus stabbing other European states in the back, or risking a supply stop with all its economic consequences. The situation is coming to a head.