EU wants to auction more CO2 certificates

Climate protection has always been the top priority of the EU Commission. Drastic restrictions on exhaust fumes from combustion engines, up to and including a ban on them, as well as mandatory renovation of buildings, have been on the agenda time and again. Yet the EU wants to be completely climate-neutral by 2045. Now the EU wants to auction additional CO₂ certificates to become less dependent on Russian energy sources. Is the EU now sacrificing climate protection goals. Climate activists are appalled.

Von der Leyen wants to auction more CO₂ certificates

Ursula von der Leyen wants to completely decouple the entire EU from Russian energy sources. To this end, she has earmarked an investment volume of 300 billion euros by 2030. The money is to be used to accelerate the expansion of renewable energies throughout Europe. In addition, energy-saving measures and the construction of liquefied natural gas terminals are to be financed. However, there is no fresh money for this. The member states are still struggling with the economic slump caused by the Corona pandemic and also have to fight the sharp rise in energy prices with tax cuts. Now the Commission wants to raise 20 billion euros by selling additional emission rights. This is almost reminiscent of a paradox, because higher CO₂ emissions are allowed in order to finance the reduction of CO₂ emissions.

EU wants to auction more CO₂ certificates. Climate activists appalled by Commission President's proposal.
EU wants to auction more CO₂ certificates. Climate activists appalled by Commission President’s proposal.

Climate activists appalled by Commission President’s proposal

Climate protection associations and the Greens are appalled by the Commission President’s proposal. The MEP Damian Böselager even speaks of a fire accelerator for the climate crisis. “The energy turnaround must not be financed with the climate crisis,” also states Michael Bloss, MEP for the Greens. The WWF is also massively critical. The head of department for climate protection and energy policy at WWF Germany, Viviane Raddatz states. “This means a double burden on the atmosphere. The more certificates in circulation, the higher the greenhouse gas emissions, and this in turn slows down the coal phase-out and industrial transformation. Moreover, the construction of fossil infrastructure means a further burden on the environment. The German government should work to tackle the re-sharpening of the REPowerEU package now. It is particularly called upon to contribute to a more sustainable solution for the financing than through the sale of ETS certificates “

Federal government expresses concerns

The German government has already expressed its concerns. In the wire report to the next EU summit it states that this could lead to higher CO. Ireland, Denmark and Finland have also already expressed corresponding concerns. However, in order to be able to sell the corresponding emission rights, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers of the individual states must agree.

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