Ex-chief of the Nuclear Regulation Authority: Japan must restart nuclear power plants

Lawmakers in Japan call for faster restart of nuclear plants amid energy crisis. Japan’s government must do more to win public support for restarting nuclear power plants. The energy crisis is putting nuclear power in the spotlight, says the industry’s former top regulator. “The government must face the people and have a proper discussion.” Shunichi […]

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Japan: Residents should save electricity to prevent blackouts

Japan is stepping up its appeal to citizens and businesses to save electricity. The country is facing an energy supply shortage and escalating fuel import costs this summer. In addition, the yen has fallen sharply. The government of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida convened a national meeting to discuss the outlook for electricity supply. The government

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Habeck’s plans for the energy transition: Wind turbines on every doorstep?

The expansion of wind power is not progressing. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/Grüne) has now presented a plan to accelerate the expansion of wind power. Among other things, the distance rules to residential areas are to be abolished if necessary. Does Habeck now want wind turbines on every doorstep? Conservationists fear great legal

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Energy transition into a dead end – electricity storage systems

In his programme for the decarbonisation of Germany, Economics Minister Habeck relies on the rapid expansion of solar and wind power plants. However, since these only produce electricity when weather conditions permit, electricity storage facilities are to temporarily store surplus electricity and release it back into the grid when demand increases. Our guest author Hans

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Energy transition into a dead end – solar installations

Habeck’s Easter package provides for the massive expansion of solar installations. In the process, the traffic light government wants to introduce a solar roof obligation for buildings that are not used for residential purposes by 2023. In Baden-Württemberg, there is a solar roof obligation also for residential buildings, the construction of which will take place

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Power supply in Switzerland critical

The electricity supply in Switzerland will already be critical in the coming winter. This is the result of a study commissioned by the Swiss Confederation. Depending on the scenario assessed, there could be widespread power cuts lasting from 48 hours to 10 days. Until now, the responsible electricity regulator Elcom has only expected bottlenecks in

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Biden declares emergency on power supply

On 6 June, the White House in Washington released US President Biden’s emergency executive order on electricity generation capacity. The President of the United States Joseph R.Biden Jr. is using the executive order to declare an emergency with respect to the threat to the availability of sufficient electricity generation capacity to meet anticipated customer demand.

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