Insurance companies do not pay for damage in the event of a blackout or gas stoppage

With Germany’s energy policy, the country is increasingly heading for a supply crisis in both electricity and gas. The likelihood of power and gas supply failures is increasing day by day. A corresponding supply failure can lead to major damage in industry. Entire production plants, such as those in the glass industry, are at risk

Insurance companies do not pay for damage in the event of a blackout or gas stoppage Read More »

Owners of a PV system should consume less electricity themselves

Households with their own PV system have a higher average electricity consumption than comparable households without a solar system. This is the result of the EE-Rebound project commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The additional consumption of electricity would result from the fact that there would be little financial incentive to save

Owners of a PV system should consume less electricity themselves Read More »

Not enough lithium for electric cars

The coalition government has set a political goal of having at least 15 million electric cars registered in Germany by 2030. However, this could soon be doomed to failure, because according to the latest calculations by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, there will not be enough lithium available for the batteries. Raw

Not enough lithium for electric cars Read More »

Spain is ahead of Germany in dealing with the gas crisis

While the war between Ukraine and Russia is still in full swing, numerous countries want to become independent of Russian raw materials. Nevertheless, they want to ease the population’s worries about cold winters and increased expenses. In Germany, the federal government is working diligently on solutions, while other countries are already a few steps ahead

Spain is ahead of Germany in dealing with the gas crisis Read More »

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